Reaching the Unreached


Jesus called us to bear much fruit as His disciples.

He also called us to fulfill His Great Commission.

“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:18-20 NIV.

Each person has a unique role to play in making sure that every person on the planet gets a chance to know of God’s love.

What is your special part to play? What is God calling you to do?

YWAM Frontier Missions focuses on multiplying disciples who multiply disciples. But not just anywhere.

Ralph Winter quote

This is an old quote from one of the early Frontier Missions fathers, and it still applies today: “All people are equally lost, but not all are equally needy.” We definitely want to include women, not just men.

Many millions have yet to hear. Multitudes have not yet had the chance. They’ve never even met a Christian. We call these groups unreached peoples.

YWAM Frontier Missions is all about sharing the love of Jesus with these who have never heard. But we can’t stop there, we then must invite them to follow Jesus and become His disciples. But we can’t stop there either. We then must help them learn how to not only be disciples, but disciple-makers. As disciple-makers, they can start fellowships or groups of disciples wherever they are.

Only then do we truly fulfill the Great Commission Jesus gave us to do before He went up into heaven.

Find out more. Join our email list below or apply to attend a Frontier Missions Seminar or training.