
SOFM (School of Frontier Missions)-San José, Costa Rica

San José San Jose', Costa Rica

SOFM (School of Frontier Missions)- San José, Costa Rica This course is offered in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. The School of Frontier Missions prepares you to go and make disciples …

FM Focused DTS (Discipleship Training School)-San José, Costa Rica

San José San Jose', Costa Rica

FM Focused DTS (Discipleship Training School)- San Jose', Costa Rica This course is offered in Spanish, English, and Portuguese The School of Frontier Missions prepares you to go and make disciples in the unreached world, those places where there is limited access to the message of Christ. We strive to help you hear God for …

School of Business and Entrepreneurship-Online Training

Online Course

The School of Business & Entrepreneurship Online teaches you to use business as a tool to see God's redemption and transformation in a culture, with a specific focus of impacting the least-reached peoples on the planet. Pioneered globally in YWAM at our campus in 2014, the SOBE is a ground-breaking secondary course that introduces fundamental …

Beatitudes and Disciple Making-Online Course

Online Course

This time the course will be in English only, without translation. Beatitudes - a community of disciples… …who wrestle with the statements of Jesus called the ‘Beatitudes’. (Matthew 5) With these one-liners Jesus invites people to come under his leadership as well as sending them out on a mission into the world. What makes Jesus’ …