
SOFM (School of Frontier Missions)-Central Asia

Central Asia

This course is offered in Portuguese and English. This SOFM is a doorway to serving long-term in the Muslim world.  Come get prepared in areas such as cross-cultural ministry and …

EMF (Escola de Missões e Fronteiras)- Ásia Central

Central Asia

Este curso é oferecido em inglês e português. Esta escola é uma porta de entrada para o serviço de longo prazo no mundo muçulmano. Venha ser treinado em áreas como ministério transcultural e aprendizado de línguas, entendendo o islã e como compartilhar as Boas Novas com muçulmanos, fazendo discípulos, estratégias de negócios transformacionais, assim sobre …

SOFM (School of Frontier Missions)-San José, Costa Rica

San José San Jose', Costa Rica

The School of Frontier Missions prepares you to go and make disciples in those places in the world where the message of Jesus has not yet been heard. In addition to giving you practical tools for life and ministry in an unreached context, we strive to help you hear God for his calling and gifting …

SOFM – School of Frontier Missions – Bangladesh

Bangladesh , Bangladesh

The School of Frontier Missions is an amazing course to do!  It will give you an overview of how to start working among the Unreached.  It also gives you useful skills to begin to have an impact on those who have never heard the gospel.  The objective of this school is to prepare integral missionaries with …

FIS (Foundation of Intercultural Studies), Middle East

Middle East

The Foundations for Intercultural Studies course aims to build pioneers who will be on the field long term. This training will allow you to integrate and put into practice different …