
SOFM (Escuela de Misiones Fronterizas) -Mendoza, Argentina

Este curso se ofrece en español e inglés. Esta escuela entrena misioneros para ir a áreas no alcanzadas y estar preparados para misiones interculturales. Los estudiantes aprenden principios bíblicos y …

Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements

Online Course

In this course you will go from feeling confused, busy, and overwhelmed by the task of reaching the unreached to feeling inspired, hopeful and full of faith that God can multiply disciples through you. -Develop a step by step faith-filled plan for prayer saturation, - Discover simple, but proven, evangelism strategies - Find local influencers …

FM Focused DTS (Discipleship Training School)-San José, Costa Rica

San José San Jose', Costa Rica

FM Focused DTS (Discipleship Training School)- San Jose', Costa Rica This course is offered in Spanish, English, and Portuguese The School of Frontier Missions prepares you to go and make disciples in the unreached world, those places where there is limited access to the message of Christ. We strive to help you hear God for …

FIS (Foundations of Intercultural Studies)-Middle East

Middle East

This course is offered in English and Arabic. The Foundations for Intercultural Studies course aims to build pioneers who will be on the field long term. This training will allow you to integrate and put into practice different topics such as: Knowing and understanding Islam and Muslims The exchange and adaptation of new cultures and …

SOFM (School of Frontier Missions)- San José, Costa Rica

San José San Jose', Costa Rica

SOFM (School of Frontier Missions)- San José, Costa Rica This course is offered in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. The School of Frontier Missions prepares you to go and make disciples …