If you are an artist, writer and/or working with unreached kids and would like to learn how to tell stories through visual arts, our team is in the process of developing online training just for you. Or maybe there are artists in your community that God can use to bring your stories to life through art. We will guide you and/or your artistic team-members step by step on how to produce illustrated children’s books and other visual aids that can help your endeavours to reach the children in your community.

Course Info

Languages: English
Physical Location:
Training Type:

What will you learn?

  • Your identity and purpose as artists from God’s Kingdom
  • How to write captivating Scripture-based stories that are culturally relevant.
  • How to illustrate: storyboarding, creating characters, background, etc.
  • How to get it out there: book formatting, cover design, publishing (print/ebooks/book apps), etc.

In addition to course materials, as a student you will receive personal time with instructors, reviewing projects, giving feedback, and answering questions. Live meetings will be scheduled at a time to best accommodate the international students enrolled in the course.