
These schools, courses, and seminars are all held in-person – you’ll need to travel to the location in order to take them.


NarraTIV, Create Mobile’s Short Film Seminar, is a three week training program designed to provide you with an opportunity to learn and practice the art of evangelistic short filmmaking.

NarraTIV is a great alternative to the Frontier Filmmaking Seminar (FFS) for existing teams who already know their way around camera and audio gear and are looking to improve their skills in narrative, short film filmmaking. Special emphasis is given to making cross-culture films for people groups in their language and culture.

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Frontier Comics Seminar

The six week Frontier Comics Seminar (FCS), helps you hone your cartooning skills; giving you an understanding of the potential for comics to impact the unreached with the hope of the Gospel.

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Frontier Filmmaking Seminar

The Frontier Filmmaking Seminar (FFS) is a seminar designed to provide you with the experience of being a production assistant on an actual cross-cultural film crew. As a student you will become part of the crew and help create a film for an unreached people group. We cover basic training in a variety of filmmaking disciplines and share our unique cross-cultural methods to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

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School of Frontier Missions – Furnace

What if God wanted more than just a short-term missions trip?

We believe that God is sending people into the nations who have a burning heart for His presence and long to see the world encounter Him. Do you feel God stirring your heart to go further with Him in missions? To invest in a nation long-term?

Where will you go?

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School of Frontier Missions – Harpenden

The SOFM exists to equip and release those who have a calling from God for long term ministry among unreached people groups in the West and beyond. This family friendly school will prepare you to move forward with vision and in faith for the impossible while providing practical opportunities to put your training and faith into practice. In the past, England has been known for being a sending nation. We believe God wants to reignite its spiritual and missional heritage and you can be part of it.

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School of Frontier Missions – Singapore

The SoFM is about discovering God’s heartbeat for nations and people groups. All our lecturers are/were missionaries and experts in their area of teaching. The school is designed to equip Christians with essential training to live and work amongst the unreached people groups (UPG) who have had little or no exposure to the message of God’s love.

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