The Dynamic Ministry of Brazilian Mobilizers

Recently YWAM staff members in Brazil joined with other mission agencies to host a very special event. It was called “The Send Brazil“. Its aim was to see many more people answering God’s call to take the Good News of Jesus to those who have not yet heard.. Every believer has a part to play […]
Praying, Mobilizing and Going to the Unreached

Meet *Maria- a woman of prayer. She joined a small group of YWAMers who regularly prayed together in her homeland of Colombia. For nine years she and the team prayed for those living in the 10/40 window. Maria learned that there were many Muslim nations that had no one to tell them about the love […]
A Mission Mobilizer’s Journey

This is a tale of “connections”. It the story of a couple from Latin America pursuing God’s call to love an unreached people group. One connection led to another. See how many connections you can count in the journey of this missions mobilizer. Several years ago, a Salvadoran man named Jose heard of great needs […]