God Is Doing Amazing Wonders
Around the globe, YWAM Frontier Missions personnel and trainees are loving the least, last, and lost. Read their stories. Learn from their experiences. Be inspired to be a disciple-maker who multiplies and bears much fruit.
God Chose You!
Every disciple of Jesus has an amazing call and responsibility to fulfill the Great Commission. God wants to use each one of us to take His message to those who have never heard it before. What role will you play? Where do you start? TAKE THE NEXT STEPGet Started with Training
Don’t wait. Short and long-term trainings in disciple-making are available to help you start reaching the nations.
Need a Coach?
Not sure where God is calling you or how to get there? Sign up for a free consultation with a YWAM Bridges coach today.
Become a Mobilizer
Play a key role in sharing the needs of the unreached with others. Speak up for the least, last, and lost.

Our story
How YWAM Frontier Missions Began…
In the mid 1980s, a number of leaders in Youth With A Mission (YWAM) began to feel burdened for the thousands of ethnic people groups around the world that still had no viable Christian expression in their midst. The words of the Apostle Paul rang true: “It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known…” (Romans 15:20 NIV). Thus began a movement within YWAM to focus on unreached people groups — to mobilize, equip, send out, and care for pioneer workers who would go beyond the current boundaries or frontiers of God’s Kingdom on earth.
Read more about how our story beganContact Us
We would love to hear from you. Please let us know how we can serve.