
Could God Give the Gift of Literacy in a Miraculous Way?

Do you assume that everyone you meet is able to read? Many of us make that assumption. Yet in all parts of the world, there are people, even adults, who have never had the opportunity to learn to read.

A Young Woman’s Hunger for the Word

In one of the biggest slums of India there lived a young woman named Arunima.* She was a faithful, devoted follower of Jesus. She never had owned a copy of the Bible. She did not even have a New Testament, nor any other portions of scripture.

Recently she was given a Bible. As you can imagine, Arunima was filled with joy! She loved God, and she loved His Word.

Arunima’s Shameful Secret

There was a problem. Arunima had a secret. It was something she had never told anyone around her. She could not read. And she certainly could not write. She felt ashamed of herself because of this.

Night after night, when no one was watching her, she would hold the Bible. She opened it carefully and began to flip through the pages. She was truly hungry for the word of God!

It seemed so unfair. She watched others read their Bibles. All that she wanted was to do as they were doing. It looked so easy
for them!

Asking the Lord for a Miracle

After some time, Arunima made a decision. Her faith in God was great. She called out to the Lord, asking for help. “Lord Jesus, please give me the wisdom to read!” She was certain He would answer her prayer. She waited in expectation.

Day by day she looked at the words in the Bible. Slowly but surely, she began to recognize letters.

A few months passed. With no help from anyone (except the Lord), she began to read the Word of God for herself. She was full of joy!

How Did She Do It?

Arunima had thought it was not possible. Her hunger and thirst for the Word of God made it possible.

This remarkable progress removed her shame. She had been ashamed that she could not read, and hid this from her friends and neighbors. Now she told others what Jesus had done for her. Her testimony was heard by many in her community.

Arunima- A Lover of God and His Word

Arunima is not a woman who takes the Word of God for granted. She cherishes and values this gift from the Lord. Her friends report that she continues to grow day by day.

One of our YWAM Frontier Missions leaders said, “Arunima is an exceptional woman. It is very rare for a person to teach themselves to read.” The Bible is not an easy book to learn to read. Few people would be able to do as Arunima has done. It is easy to see that God truly answered her prayer!

The Audio Bible Offers Options

The same YWAM Frontier Missions leader said, “When we encourage our disciples to grow in the Lord. they often answer that it’s very hard. For they don’t know the Word of God and cannot read it.”

She then explained, “Praise God for the Audio Bible. Now they are listening very carefully and regularly. They are growing in their faith. And surprisingly, they are now memorizing the Bible verses. It is amazing to see how this has strengthened their faith.”

A Challenge

What about you? Some have been Christians for many years. Unlike Arunima, we have had access to the Bible in our own language since we were children. Most of us were taught to read in elementary school.

Do we, who have known the Lord and had the Bible for a long time, take the Word of God for granted? After all, we have always been able to read it. We can fail to value His Word for the incredible resource that it is.

What Does the Bible Mean to You?

Ask yourself this question as you pray. Have I taken the Word of God for granted? Join me in a simple prayer of repentance. Let’s ask God to renew our love for His Word.

Remember, “the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword” Hebrews 4:12, New King James Version. Thank God for His Word. Spend time reading, studying, and meditating on its powerful truths each day and train your disciples to do the same.

*Not her real name.

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