Hay una oveja en mi bañera: El nacimiento de un movimiento de plantación de iglesias en Mongolia (Spanish Edition)

Hay una oveja en mi bañera narra las aventuras de la familia Hogan mientras siguen la guía de Dios en uno de los enclaves más remotos y misteriosos del mundo.

We Are Not The Hero
This 30-day devotional for church planters and disciple-makers will inspire and encourage you.
Faith to Move Mountains- Intercessors Version
This is a version of the 30-day devotional that is designed for intercessors and home front supporters. Want to pray for those who are starting Disciple-Making Movements? This is a great place to start!
We Are Not the Hero
This is a MUST READ for anyone wanting to do Frontier Missions work in an effective way.
Sheep In My Bathtub
Read the amazing story of a YWAM Frontier Missions team that started a movement in Mongolia.
Keys to Church Planting Movements
Travel back into time to the first century A.D. when the New Testament keys to church planting movements were forged.