School of Frontier Missions

- Furnace -

What if God wanted more than just a short-term missions trip?We believe that God is sending people into the nations who have a burning heart for His presence and long to see the world encounter Him. Do you feel God stirring your heart to go further with Him in missions? To invest in a nation long-term?Where will you go?

Course Info

Languages: English
Physical Location:
Regional Focus:

The School of Frontier Missions (SOFM) is designed to prepare you to go the distance. During the three-month Training Phase you will:

  • Gain more understanding about God’s heart for missions
  • Learn about differing worldviews
  • Understand the basics of language learning
  • Learn about the challenges and benefits of living cross-culturally
  • Know keys to plant multiplying churches
  • Have skills to survive and thrive long term

Your extended outreach (normally two years) will either be with our Himalayas team or as part of a new pioneering team in East Asia or the Middle East (or another to another nation where you feel called a long-term call).

Where is God calling you to go?