A Desperate Woman is Gloriously Born Again!

This is a story that was sent to us by a long term German YWAMer named Cordula. As a single woman, over the years she has shared the hope that is within her with many people. And rather remarkably she has done so without fear.

Her life has been one of faithful service to the Lord. That faithful life and ministry have supplied her with many inspiring stories. Truly, she has been the Lord’s handmaiden. She is participating in what the Lord is doing among unreached people of the nations.

Cordula is also a writer. This is one of her stories. She calls this particular story “Born Again.”

A Deeply Troubled Woman Seeks Relief

We wondered what was going on. The pastor and elders were praying fervently for one particular woman. Together they took authority over an evil spirit. It lasted for a long time. Eventually, they gave up, and the church service resumed. The young lady slowly made her way to the back of the church. Her head was downcast. She was shaking.

We were in the mountains, in a Muslim nation. My co-laborer, Robert, suggested that I go and pray for her. I was hurting for her but did not know what I could do for her any better than the leaders of her church.

Who could help this woman, whose spirit was in such agony?

By now the girl had quietly slipped out of the church building. I followed her. She was leaning against a wall. Her face was so fearful and desperate. I invited her to follow me to an adjoining room, accompanied by a translator.

She did indeed seem to be held by an evil spirit. She could not look at me, her eyes flicked back and forth. I was filled with compassion for her. Suddenly I felt led to ask her about her conversion experience.

A weak introduction to Christianity needs follow up with more… much more!

There were evil spirits in the house and I was so afraid,” said the woman. Someone told me that I needed to ask Jesus to help me.

“That is true. Jesus can help you. But what else do you know about Jesus?”

I know nothing else,” the woman replied.

She did not know. She had prayed to accept Jesus without fully understanding. So I shared the Gospel message with her; the cross, Jesus, and repentance. I asked her if she was wanting to receive Jesus and to repent.

Prayer and Freedom

She did want to. She bowed her head, and we prayed.

Then she lifted her head and looked at me. I could hardly believe what I was seeing! Her eyes were beaming, the fear was gone and the light was there. She was truly born again and free from bondage.

The pastor walked in. He was amazed! “What did you do?”

“Nothing. She met Jesus, and He set her free!”

Free at last! Cordula was willing to reach out to this poor woman. The result was that the woman was set free from evil, demonic, oppression.

What do you think? Is Cordula an exceptional woman? Or is the Lord able to work through every believer in this way?

Surely He is able to use each and every believer. Sharing our faith is the task of every believer. We cannot leave it to the experts, or professional ministers.

Every genuine Christian has a story. No one was “born a Christian”, every one of us made a choice at some time in their life. If you have not had a chance to share your faith lately, ask the Lord for an opportunity. Simply tell your story.


You may already feel comfortable sharing your faith with others. If so, that that is wonderful. What about a situation where deliverance is needed? Do you, like many other believers, leave that to “the experts?” Or do you assume that you have to have a lot of training to do this work?

Notice how naturally Cordula ministered to the woman. She simply shared about who Jesus is, and prayed with her. That was all that was needed. Any believer can do these things.

Why not ask the Lord for boldness to do these works of the Kingdom today?

Read more of Cordula’s stories in her book “In Spite of Me” available on Amazon in several nations.

2 Responses

  1. I am really challenged with this story of the woman, the pastor could NOT help her, but a disciple. The Lesson l learned is to Never doubt me, God can use anyone who is a believer, a True follower and obedient disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we should always be ready to heed and adhere to His call when called upon without fear or Doubt but with Full Trust. it does not require you to be a prophet nor a Clergy to do His work.

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