School of Strategic Missions

Below you’ll find all instances of the School of Strategic Missions.

The School of Strategic Missions is a course for DTS graduates to develop strategies, perspective, and a deeper understanding of how to participate in reaching the unreached world. Students grapple with questions like: why is community development important? What does it mean to actually disciple nations? How can I mobilize the local church to engage the unreached world? How do I share the Gospel in a closed nation and steward a church planting movement? What do globalization and urban ministry have to do with missions strategies for this generation? Why is intercession and spiritual warfare vital for evangelism?

School of Strategic Missions – Colorado Springs

The School of Strategic Missions (SOSM) is a course designed for students to develop perspective, strategies, and a deeper understanding of how to reach the unreached world. Just like lawyers have law school and doctors have med school, consider this as a mission school for your holistic mission training. We serve an excellent God who is committed to the development of each worker and the community in which they live and serve. Therefore, we believe we should work with intentionality and excellence on His behalf.

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School of Strategic Missions – Bethlehem SA

An overview of missions with some specific skill training is introduced during the initial three-month course and then developed further during the field assignment. SOSM focuses on deploying pioneer teams as the basic vehicle for addressing strategic areas of need throughout the world. Strategic missions embraces both short-term and long-term strategies to accomplish all aspects of ministry, including the planting of both local churches and missions structures.
​SOSM is a second level training. The requirements are to have completed a DTS anywhere in The world.

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