

Caribbean Lady With A Fearless Heart

What is your attitude toward the supernatural? Have you ever cooperated with God to cast out evil spirits? Or been part of setting people free from oppression? One young woman had the faith and boldness to believe the Lord and His Word. When encountering evil, she was fearless. She did

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Can God Use an Ordinary, Simple Man?

High in the Himalayan Mountains lives a man named Raj*. Many would call him an ordinary Nepali man. After Raj came to faith, he was discipled and trained by one of our YWAM South Asian church planters. He was also given a Bible. In time he grew as an obedient

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Need on a Witchcraft-Stricken Island – I’ll Go!

“Better for me to invest in a dog than you!” How would you feel if you heard this from your father? As we listened intently, our friend Kaysan* shared his story. These were the words his father said to him. I listened with curiosity. How would Kaysan respond? Storytelling is

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Movie making

Making a Movie that Sparks a Movement

A film team arrived in the outer villages of major city in India. There they searched for local actors and cultural advisors. Working together with the Banjara people they crafted a story, a script for a movie. In time, their film TRANSFORMATION would live up to its name—in ways they could

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