Category: Stories


Caribbean Lady With A Fearless Heart

What is your attitude toward the supernatural? Have you ever cooperated with God to cast out evil spirits? Or been part of setting people free from oppression? One young woman …


Can God Use an Ordinary, Simple Man?

High in the Himalayan Mountains lives a man named Raj*. Many would call him an ordinary Nepali man. After Raj came to faith, he was discipled and trained by one …


Need on a Witchcraft-Stricken Island – I’ll Go!

“Better for me to invest in a dog than you!” How would you feel if you heard this from your father? As we listened intently, our friend Kaysan* shared his …


Could God Give the Gift of Literacy in a Miraculous Way?

Do you assume that everyone you meet is able to read? Many of us make that assumption. Yet in all parts of the world, there are people, even adults, who …

Movie making

Making a Movie that Sparks a Movement

A film team arrived in the outer villages of major city in India. There they searched for local actors and cultural advisors. Working together with the Banjara people they crafted …

Even in Lockdown “I Was Hungry and You Fed Me”

The world is in crisis. While governments say lockdown, Jesus says, “look up.” “So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!” …

drawings of unreached

How Art Draws People Toward the Unreached

The Lord asked a young woman a simple question. Her answer started her on an adventure that mobilized thousands around the world into prayer for unreached peoples.   What’s in …

Indian girl

What Happens When a Young Indian Girl is Abused?

East India is vast, both by territory and population. The majority of its residents are Hindus. This story is about a young girl grew who grew up in a Hindu …


Persecuted, Simon Forgave and Prayed For a Sick Girl

Persecution of new Jesus followers is common. Don’t give up hope. One day things could turn around as they did for a young man named Simon.* This is the story …

nomadic people

Nomadic People Now on the Move with Jesus

An increase in terrorism in the region had kept Timon* from returning to the mission field for the past three years. Now he was going back. His flight was to …