Category: Discipling Disciple-Makers


What Happens When a Mongol Refuses to Give Up on Her Dreams?

YWAM Frontier Missions staff are experiencing a ripening harvest among the unreached. Open doors are creating the opportunity to start churches and launch Disciple-Making Movements (DMMs) in unreached places. Freedom …


Bold Response to a Desperate Cry for Help

In YWAM Frontier Missions, disciple-makers are experiencing unusual opportunities to share with new believers from unreached people groups. Punit’s story is incredible! It demonstrates one of the keys to seeing …

discipling disciple-makers

At the Fair- Discipling Disciple-makers

“I was stirred with excitement as I listened to David’s update on a outreach at a New Age Fair in a Muslim country” wrote a YWAM Frontier Missions church planting coach. …

indigenous disciple-making movements

On the Banks of the Ganges

How does the gospel message spread in difficult to reach places? It spreads best when local people work in local ways. As the message of God’s love becomes indigenous (in …

Rapid Growth in Mongolia

The vision of YWAM Frontier Missions is to experience a supernatural increase. Over time, Disciple-Making Movements (DMMs) among the unreached bring that increase. The miracle of Disciple-Making Movements is the …

How Movements Among Refugees in Europe Grow

In 2015, there were a million people who sought refuge, or what is called political asylum, in Europe This was called by many a “European refugee crisis.” A refugee is …