What Happens When a Young Indian Girl is Abused?
East India is vast, both by territory and population. The majority of its residents are Hindus. This story is about a young girl grew who grew up in a Hindu home. She was passed from family to family and had little stability. Sadly her birth parents died when she was very young. Death Leads to […]
Taxi Drivers Are Captive Audiences for the Gospel
Tim*, my husband, has plenty of taxi journeys here in Asia. He always tries to talk to the drivers about Jesus. I’ll tell you two stories out of so many. We were in a new nation with a new language. It was our first week, so we couldn’t yet speak the language. However, we knew […]
Persecuted, Simon Forgave and Prayed For a Sick Girl
Persecution of new Jesus followers is common. Don’t give up hope. One day things could turn around as they did for a young man named Simon.* This is the story of a young man born into a Muslim family. He was a good and faithful follower of Allah. In time, the young man, who we […]
Nomadic People Now on the Move with Jesus
An increase in terrorism in the region had kept Timon* from returning to the mission field for the past three years. Now he was going back. His flight was to leave Sunday afternoon. After a day of air travel, he would land in the capital city. He would reunite with friends from the nomadic, Muslim […]
The Dynamic Ministry of Brazilian Mobilizers
Recently YWAM staff members in Brazil joined with other mission agencies to host a very special event. It was called “The Send Brazil“. Its aim was to see many more people answering God’s call to take the Good News of Jesus to those who have not yet heard.. Every believer has a part to play […]
A Desperate Family and a Terrible Curse
Tragedy struck this family again and again. Being low caste, their lives were already hard. This situation, however, was unusual. Over a period of five years, three of their children died. It was the same case every year. The oldest was a daughter. She suddenly fainted, went limp, and died within a few days. The […]