Need on a Witchcraft-Stricken Island – I’ll Go!
“Better for me to invest in a dog than you!” How would you feel if you heard this from your father? As we listened intently, our friend Kaysan* shared his story. These were the words his father said to him. I listened with curiosity. How would Kaysan respond? Storytelling is always a favorite activity when […]
Could God Give the Gift of Literacy in a Miraculous Way?
Do you assume that everyone you meet is able to read? Many of us make that assumption. Yet in all parts of the world, there are people, even adults, who have never had the opportunity to learn to read. A Young Woman’s Hunger for the Word In one of the biggest slums of India there […]
Making a Movie that Sparks a Movement
A film team arrived in the outer villages of major city in India. There they searched for local actors and cultural advisors. Working together with the Banjara people they crafted a story, a script for a movie. In time, their film TRANSFORMATION would live up to its name—in ways they could not have imagined. A strategically […]
A Desperate Woman is Gloriously Born Again!
This is a story that was sent to us by a long term German YWAMer named Cordula. As a single woman, over the years she has shared the hope that is within her with many people. And rather remarkably she has done so without fear. Her life has been one of faithful service to the […]
Even in Lockdown “I Was Hungry and You Fed Me”
The world is in crisis. While governments say lockdown, Jesus says, “look up.” “So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!” – Jesus (Luke 21:28) Look Up When we look up, Jesus shows us how to take kingdom-focused action. One of our African YWAM-FM leaders wrote: […]
How Art Draws People Toward the Unreached
The Lord asked a young woman a simple question. Her answer started her on an adventure that mobilized thousands around the world into prayer for unreached peoples. What’s in your hand? “Well I can sing a little bit and I can draw a little bit” was Julie Bosacker’s answer when God asked, “What is […]