They Were Not Sure God Understood Their Prayers

mother tongue

“There are approximately 7,100 living languages spoken on earth today. As I write this introduction there are some 1,600+ living languages that still do not have a single verse of the Scriptures translated. These 1,600+ languages need to be translated to reach zero.” David Hamilton, Youth With A Mission. Up in the mountains, on the […]

How One Man Refused to Give Up on a High Caste People Group


God has been doing amazing things during the pandemic year. In spite of lockdowns and difficulties, His Kingdom is advancing among the unreached! Talking to a South Asian church planter recently, Raj* told me of significant breakthroughs in their area this past year. Some of these are among very unreached high caste Hindus peoples. Raj […]

Once A Mission Field Now the #1 Missionary-Sending Country in the World

mongolian missionaries

With astonishment, I look at how the life-changing gospel spreads across Mongolia–and beyond. I pause to look back. How grateful I feel, remembering my own early experiences: One night in the 1980s, our YWAM staff listened intently to stories from a scouting trip. It was to the mysterious land of Mongolia.  The team had recently returned […]

Pandemic Sparks Renewal in a Well Established South Asian Movement

movement renewal

Some Disciple Making Movements begin strong, but grow traditional as the years pass by. This was the case for one movement started by YWAM in South Asia. Though early growth was spectacular, in recent years the movement had plateaued. The rapid, multiplication growth they’d seen at first had almost completely stopped. Changes and Bold Decisions […]

When A Disciple Making Movement Becomes a Missionary Movement

Baptisms, multiplication, and generational growth are all part of what happens when a movement begins. But how does that movement then start to send out missionaries to launch other movements? The following story was told by M. Andersson who worked closely with a Disciple Making Movement that has become a missionary movement. “What a privilege […]

How the Pandemic Kickstarts Breakthrough Growth

In June 2020, the COVID 19 pandemic was raging in many parts of the world. Severe lockdowns had come upon South Asia. This brought our disciple-making activities to an almost complete standstill. There were forty of us equipping people in skills for Disciple-Making Movements. What should we do? We discerned God leading us to make […]