Coaching Leads to Great Progress for a Frustrated Team


How much more information do you need? Do you already know how to tell your testimony, share the gospel and invite people to follow Jesus? Most of us do not need a lot more information, but we do need more motivation. That’s where a coach can help. What a difference when we have someone to […]

When Bold Pioneering and Obedience Leads to a Movement

movement in South India

Twenty-five years ago, a passionate young Indian man attended a YWAM Discipleship Training School (DTS). His name was Ezekiel.* He was from a Hindu background and had a heart to reach his own people. Shortly after the DTS he decided to do a School of Evangelism (SOE) as well. His heart burned with a desire […]

God Opens Amazing Doors in a Resistant Community

kindergarten Christmas

This exciting story was told to me by a YWAM Frontier Missions trainer from South Asia. “We were living in an Islamic community. I had put my son in a school run by a Muslim lady. Every day I did prayer walks in that area of my city, asking God to work among the unreached […]

Is There a Small But Strong Beginning Among the Veiled?

the veiled

The Arabian Peninsula is known for its riches from the oil industry. For some people in this region however, there is hunger and underdevelopment. They have a very short life expectancy as well. Rich Yet Poor Of the Arab nations, Yemen is the poorest. Education and health care are distributed inadequately, and at a low […]

Where Do You Baptize When All You Have is an Irrigation Channel?

where to baptize

Jesus commanded us in Matthew 28:18-20 to go and make disciples of all nations. He then said to “baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”, and teach them to obey His commands. As YWAM Frontier Missions staff enter new communities they face challenges. It just isn’t the same as in […]

Can Every Sphere of Society Be Transformed?

spheres of society

From the start of this YWAM team’s work in Africa, their hope and goal for the unreached tribe was this: Make disciples. Help them multiply fellowships that spread the blessings of God’s Kingdom. Let them spread it within their families. Let them spread it among their neighbors. Let them spread it throughout all spheres of society. […]