In 2011 The Word of God exploded across Angola through a Bible storying project. A couple named Daniel and Marcia from YWAM Angola were asked to supervise the 3-year initial process of getting God’s word into new languages.
Stories of God’s Creation, Old Testament adventures, the life and mission of Jesus, and the hope of salvation were all crafted and told in native heart languages. The stories left a deep imprint on the hearts of the hearers. The effect? Inter-tribal conflicts were challenged, and family relationships healed.
Three Focus Languages
The team had the vision to develop 50 Bible stories first in three primary languages – Humbe, Kwandu, and Kuvale. To do this local helpers (team members) were recruited. They would receive spiritual coverage, and meet weekly for training in their villages.
As the work began, they noticed that people were very engaged in the meetings. They started praying, studying the bible and discussing unfamiliar biblical terms excitedly! God’s word began to explosively impact the families that were recording and revising the Bible stories.
Local trainers they had recruited soon became believers. Villages and peoples who were once Bibleless (no access to Scriptures) began experiencing the powerful revelation of God’s love.
God Ends the Drought
A miraculous testimony was shared by one of the team members recruited to craft and tell the stories in her own language. She previously had prayed to spirits to end the drought in her region and send rain. Nothing had happened.
During the Bible storytelling time, she had a revelation. She knew deep within that she should pray only to God, not the spirits. When she prayed, God answered. Rain fell for the first time in many days. She excitedly proclaimed, “God is bigger than the spirits!”
God Loves Us!
Villagers excitedly gather to hear the Bible stories in their native tongues. When one man heard the story of Pentecost told in his own language, he exclaimed, “This is why we are hearing Bible stories in our language today. This shows God’s love for us!”
After sharing each Bible story, the team asks simple questions. They practice what is called Discovery Bible Study (DBS). Every DBS ends with a call to obey what has been learned in the story.
This process has led to many putting their trust in Christ alone. Many Angolans have been baptized, delivered, set free from alcoholism and are walking in new life.
Disciple-Makers Multiply
The storying method is so reproducible! After learning these stories, local believers naturally share them with others. New believers quickly become disciple-makers, reaching out to family and friends with the good news. Groups of Jesus followers are being formed. The first stage of a Disciple-Making Movement has begun!
God’s Word powerfully transforms lives, families, villages,
Are you interested in the need to reach Bibleless peoples? Be sure to declare your commitment to this Great Commission Finish Line today.
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