Now Drop Your Excuses and Spread Good News
Sometimes we must tell ourselves: “Drop your excuses and spread Good News. Now.” I just heard an incredible story from a friend who does. A few minutes ago I talked to John*. We spoke face to face, even though it was about 9 am for me and 9 pm for him. Thanks to Skype with […]
From Brazil Salvation Comes to Muslims in Africa
In the early 70s, YWAM missionaries Jim and Pam Stier went to Brazil with a vision to equip and send Brazilians to the nations. Brazil was considered a mission field at that time, certainly not a mission force. Many thought their vision was unrealistic. But over the years it became reality. Missionaries from Brazil have […]
When the One Baptizing is Just a Young Girl
Serving the Lord can be an amazing privilege. And yet if we are honest, it can sometimes also feel like a burden. In all churches and Christian communities, we have beliefs and traditions about who can minister… and how! Here is a very recent story about a teenage girl from Nepal. A Natural Evangelist Sashi* […]
Divine Appointment at a Bus Stop
What do you assume about people of other faiths? Most of us meet people from other religious communities. When you meet them, do you expect them to be resistant to new ideas? Assume that they will be biased against a follower of Jesus? Hostile toward your Christian beliefs? Our assumptions are often wrong, even though […]
Endurance to Reach the Summit: Tempted to Stop?
This afternoon I received a text from my son (who is now a father himself). I must share his text with you: Hey Dad, When I was a kid we used to go hiking a lot. Hiking with a kid isn’t always easy. Kids tend to complain some. And I remember whenever I got tired […]
A Desperate Soul Pleads for a Story
Is it a safe assumption that everyone in Western Europe knows at least a little bit about who Jesus is? Here is a true story of one man who did not… but for some mysterious reason, he felt that he really should find out more! “Should I go in? Or should I not go in?“ […]