Can Tradition Prevail in a City on a Hill?

muslim immigrant

Historic Islamic culture thrives in some contemporary cities of the United States. In others, it struggles to survive. One particular city’s diverse ethnicity is known around the world. This urban setting is home to a growing Muslim immigrant community from a distinctive tribal group. It is also the home of YWAMers. A Thousand Muslims in […]

Church Alive in the Foothills of the Himalayas


YWAMers from India and other Asian countries teamed up to reach the unreached in the early ’90s. From the beginning, they wanted to see a Disciple-Making Movement (DMM) flourish in the foothills of the Himalayas. The team ministered to the neediest people in the community–migrant laborers from a neighboring country. Through a combination of health […]

What Happens When a Mongol Refuses to Give Up on Her Dreams?


YWAM Frontier Missions staff are experiencing a ripening harvest among the unreached. Open doors are creating the opportunity to start churches and launch Disciple-Making Movements (DMMs) in unreached places. Freedom to Embrace Different Religions and Beliefs For 70 years, Geriel’s* country, Mongolia, was under Russian Communism. They were not allowed to believe in any religion. […]

If God Can Open Uzbekistan to the Gospel, Why Not Other Places?


Obstacles can seem immovable when working to reach unreached people groups. YWAMers believe in the God-given vision of Revelation 7:9. As a result, YWAM-FM teams respond by praying and going. We want to see every nation, tribe, and people reached for Jesus. This story of how God opened an impossible door among Uzbeks brings these […]

In Pursuit of the Lost, Even When They Push You Away

pray and go

Do you ever wonder if you are being too pushy in evangelism? Are you fearful that it will backfire and someone will get angry? That could happen. Or it could be that pursuing a lost person starts a new church. A disciple-maker in India recently told me this story. From the Hills to the Plains […]

Our Hidden Weapon for Changing Worldviews – A YWAM FM Story

Oral Culture Peoples

If you could find a hidden weapon to defeat the enemy and release thousands into God’s Kingdom, you would want that right? I know I would! You may be surprised about what it is. It sounds so simple that even a child could use it. The Power of Stories for Oral Culture People The majority […]